This scripture continues to run through my mind throughout this process. There have certainly been times that have been difficult however even in the midst of them God continues to draw us close and provide a peace that surpasses all understanding. There will be trials ahead BUT God is worthy of all our praise therefore we praise Him. I continue to journal but yet can't adequately record all the ways in which the Lord continues to bless us and provide affirmation of the call to be in Harrisburg PA. We have been encouraged, loved and prayed for by Faith Baptist and many others.
Here are a few pics of the past week.
This is Logan's last day in his Sunday school class at Faith. All the kids & teachers made their last day meaningful and special as they encouraged them in our move to PA. The kids have had many teachers over the years who have poured into them truth and loved them in ways that we may never know. Teachers thank you, thank you, thank you.
We had many get togethers with groups of folks over the past couple months and we certainly appreciated each gathering. We are so thankful for the time to say our "see ya laters" and to treasure our relationships with our friends. 
Breanna hugged many kids that she has cared for in VBS, babysitting and just being available.
This was one of the last nights at our temporary home. We ended up sitting all together and had conversations about our move and what was ahead in the days to come. The Lord continues to draw us closer together as a family as we plunge into the "unseen/unknown" for the gospel.
Many boxes have been packed for 8 months, this is the day before the move.
Maddy and I stopped by to see our family friend Ms. Susan. This was a difficult goodbye. Maddy has helped at her horse farm until Ms. Susan was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago. Maddy has faithfully prayed for Ms. Susan every night before she goes to bed. Ms. Susan had called me earlier in the day to share the first good report that she received since her diagnosis. Cancer has spread throughout her body however the spot in her brain had shrunk and was not currently active. We celebrated and praised God for the good report. So we had tears of joy the day we said our "see ya laters"
Maddy and Logan wrote many notes to friends for the past couple months. It appeared to be very helpful for them to work through emotions and the transition.
We had many help pack up the truck, in fact the truck was loaded in about 30 minutes!
I do wish I had taken more pictures of the team that helped us pack up or at least a group picture. It's all a blur but I'm thankful for each one of you who helped and also the ladies who cleaned after we left the house.
Again what can I say? Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us Ephesians 3:20 This is the Willows, our friends and members at Faith. They own the house that we called home for a couple months after we sold our home. This home was certainly more than we could have even known to pray for. Even in the short time of living at the Willow's home we shared some special memories together as a family. The kids enjoyed exploring in the country. Thank you Dave and Janet for opening your home to us, we certainly pray that this home will sell quickly.
After the truck was packed many folks met us at church for pizza and to say "see ya laters" It was a special time as many were neighbors that have connected to some of our faith family now. The hugs and goodbyes were difficult and hard however we are so thankful for the continued connection that we have with them.
Here is "grammy sue" to us that is...if you see her around town you can call her Sue. Maddy spent a lot of time with her and her grand kids. Sue's home state is PA and has family in H'burg so she will be traveling through on occasion.
Ms. Sue brought the kids PA coloring books for the trip and hugged on Maddy several times before she left.
The group prayed together
Here we are ready to roll out Saturday morning. Bethany came along with us and has stayed the week with us in PA.
We had some folks gather around to pray for us and the team going to help us unpack. Sweet memories that I will never forget despite my belly that was full of butterflies!
We stopped for a potty break and was able to see Nana and Papa, (Debbie and Tom). Debbie prepared care bags for the team full of snacks, homemade cookies and activities for the kids.
checking out whats in the goody bag!
The kids had a good time traveling. I had only one kid in the van with me on most of the trip. Each vehicle had a walkie talkie & lots of laughs along the way. We couldn't think of any better transition to share our experience with friends.
Taking our Exit!
I just couldn't think of any better way to arrive at our new home and to have folks waiting for us on our front porch! Larry a pastor and his family waited with Pizza's in hand and water for the moving crew. This was my first time along with the kids seeing the house. We took a quick peek before starting to unload the truck.
Sandy, a friend from Faith joined us since he is currently working in PA
This is Larry's wife, Mindy she has a little one Olivia's age. She is looking forward to spending more time with her new friend.
smiling despite the heat!
Larry and Mindy have a son around Logan's age and it certainly didn't take long to start playing with a few toys in hand.
working hard
Maddy and Billy made breakfast for the team before they left. We had some great laughs, sweet conversations and prayed together before they left.
Thankful for these guys! They traveled up with us, unloaded trucks, put together beds and helped us get settled in on our first night in our new home.
We have been busy unpacking,settling into our surroundings and learning a new culture. We have a peace that is unexplainable in our home and we praise God for bringing us here. (Don't get me wrong, there are still kids that fuss at one another) You are an important part of Redeeming Grace church plant by holding on the rope of support. We are thankful for the continued connection with our friends as they pull on the rope keeping it tight. We look forward to giving you updates on the work the Lord is doing in Harrisburg.
You are my God, and I give thanks to You;
you are my God, I extol You.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
Psalm 119:28
Thanks for the post. Pictures make the experience come alive! Still praying for your family and this transition. God bless.