
Friday, July 20, 2012

Family-4 generations all together

It has been years since my parents and sisters have all been together. After many holidays apart we decided to make it happen this July 4th. Not an easy task with 2 sisters that have farms, grand kids, great grand kids and everyone having busy schedules! 

4 Generations all together, time goes by so fast.

sitting around the pool watching the kids play and talking with family

Olivia busted out of her life jacket and was doing pretty well swimming. Breanna was just chillin' the best place to be in the heat!

The kids wore themselves completely out! Olivia, was asking at night for someone to take her to bed and kids were falling asleep sitting up!

Hanging with cousins and plenty of snacks at grandma and granddaddy's house!

It was fun to see all the different birds coming and going while getting in and out of the pool.

 It was certainly a much needed break and one that took a turn when Billy's grandfather had a stroke while we were in town. We were able to spend some time praying & reading scripture with him before we left Roanoke.
Here the kids were catching up with Grandma Body just before we hit the road.

We received a call the morning after we left that he passed away so we repacked and headed back.....

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