
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Empty but so full

I have resolved in my mind that I may never have the words to effectively communicate how difficult the week of the move was for me as we moved from our neighborhood to a temporary home until July. (our temporary home desires a blog post all in itself!) I recall Monday (over 3 weeks ago) sitting on my kitchen floor, okay I wasn’t sitting but laying clear across my kitchen floor with a pounding migraine in tears asking the Lord how was everything going to get packed when my body was so empty emotionally and physically.  It was at this moment the the burden seemed too heavy to carry and the wonderful part of this is I wasn’t. I wasn’t caring the burden alone at all. The Lord has woven people in our lives and I was reminded that I had many people praying, offering to help. Arrangements had been made for the next 3 days for Olivia to be picked up during the day, boxes had already been carried out by men sacrificing their time, I could certainly go on and not touch the surface on how many people have blessed us over the past year.   Just as I may never communicate the words in how difficult the week of the move was, I certainly couldn’t begin to explain the depth of gratefulness that we have for each one of you that have asked and helped this past year or so in this processes and continue to ask.
 So as the week of the move closed in and the walls echoed with the emptiness, memories continued to flood my thoughts of all the fun times we had in the house and in the neighborhood.   The house was so empty, but yet so full of sweet memories.  Saturday, before we shut the doors for the very last time we spent some time leaving our family mark at the house.  We collected the kids and went to the attic. This in itself made me chuckle. Whenever we had  pulled the attic door down in the past the kids would stop, drop and run to see if they could join whoever was in the attic. It was the unknown!  After we made it all in the attic we  took turns putting our hand print on a board. After we left our mark we gathered in the living room to pray for the new family Ben, Sarah and baby Rhys.  This offered a sweet closure to our family for our home. I new as we shut the doors to our home at Brewers Glynn that  it wasn’t so much the home that we loved, it was all the memories of the kids growing up and sharing our lives with the people around us.  Although this home was empty now it was so full of sweet memories and in a few short days it will again be full and soon will hold memories for another family.
Saturday we took the kids into the attic to place our family mark. We all took turns putting our hand print  on the board and we wrote a scripture verse on the board.

Before we closed the door,  we spent some time praying as a family together for the new owners Ben, Sarah and baby Rhys

When we walked into the Attorney's office to close on the house we hugged the buyers, like we had known them for years. We have had the blessing of following one another on facebook, twitter and our personal blogs walking through the process of buying and selling. It was a blessing to watch the excitement of a family buying their very first home. We had the privilege of having a faces to pray for through the selling/buying process.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Prom 2011

We are without the Internet currently with our temporary move so hopefully we will be up and running soon. Thank you Lisa for taking the pictures and making this easy to post.