
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Hot now" and this and that

Some friends of ours moved away a few months ago to Oklahoma and are in town for the week visiting, so we spent some time with them on Sunday and today.   Their kids are getting so big! 3 boys all under the age of 3 and their fourth on the way! That is one busy momma! Great to hear about their marriage ministry and we are not surprised at how quickly they have plugged into a church. We hung out at Chick-Fil-A and then walked over to the Krispy Kreme because the  "Hot Now" sign was on.

The kids were very entertained, I'm thinking I might go back very soon with a book and let Olivia have a good ole time watching the donuts roll down the belt.

ahh hot doughnuts! ohh see the trash can?  Can you believe they just rolled into the can if no one could get them off the belt quick enough.

Chocolate ice cream, Olivia's a happy girl

here is the energizer bunny (that's the little guy, jonathan) He liked getting his picture taken so he would stop just long enough for the flash. As for David, he is going to make one great dad one day.

I could just squeeze him, ohh wait I did when I took a turn of chasing him down.  He is wide open and it's fun to watch but man ohh man he keeps Kristal busy!

Well I'm glad that Grace made the suggestion for doughnuts but I can't believe I held out at Chick-Fil-A, with a healthy selection and caved in at Krispy Kreme with a big ole ice cream Sunday. Ohh well!

ohh happy days for Laura,  a restless night but a doughnut could always make you smile.  Sarah is thrilled not to have lunch in a smokey kitchen today. PB& J is on the menu at the Ellis house tonight!

all settled in for a few minutes. I'm thinking Kristal needs to rest when she has all the boys in one spot for a few minutes!

way to cute, Rebekah enjoyed the doughnuts and couldn't resist a little one offering her more.

Beautiful Amber, some of our crew in pj's (*wink*)  and Amber is all put together with 2 kids in tow.

On another note, this week has been very odd as we drive up to the house and see a  for sale sign in our front yard. A relief that the house is on the market and for the most part the home projects have ended, however I do get a little sad as I think of all our memories.  I am confident the Lord placed us in this special neighborhood.  I met one of my best friends that I will have for life, there is typically not a day that goes by that we find ourselves visiting with one another or chatting on the phone.  The kids are all doing very well and they have had a number of people praying for them as the sign was to be put up.

We did get a call today from the central office for a showing on Friday.  We will keep you posted on the showings.

Here is my sweet pea  and "little man" picking flowers one minute and picking up sticks pretending they are guns the next.

The boys went straight to the court after coming in from school.  Red faced and sweaty they had a pretty intense game going today.

It appears they make up rules as they go and they really do need a referee from time to time but for the most part they work things out and did a great job today with getting along.

1 comment:

  1. what a great afternoon of fellowship!!!!
    but, why did sarah have a smokey kitchen?
    as for the sign, you get used to it after awhile. i promise you'll see it one day and not feel a lump in your throat.
    i'm sure it returns when the moving van pulls up.
