
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Redeeming Grace and YMCA partner for a family fun night

Prayer team setting out to prayer walk in preparation for the Community Event at the YMCA

Sharing stories of the people we talked with, even familiar faces in the neighborhood that we were able to snag a hug and catch up on life.

As soon as chairs hit the floor during set up, we had people to hang out with around the tables.

Kids filled up the basketball court during set up

The kids "warmed up" the games during set up. Nothing like bashing people for Jesus!

preparing (lots of) popcorn

Playing street hockey with the kids

The art tables stayed very busy throughout the night.

We were so thankful to have Debbie and Tom (Billy's parents here)

By the end of the evening the tree was filled with handmade ornaments

Sack races were a hit! plenty of laughter, plenty of falls and thankfully everybody got up!

Do you hear the laughter? OH wait, my ears are still ringing! 

Shawn organized the kids with a few competitions.
Ready, set......GO!

hula hoop contest!

Family picture time! pictures were taken, printed and handed out

We had a great time talking to folks one on one, and seeing lots of smiling faces.

Two of our volunteer helpers for the night.  So glad to have some friends stop by to participate. 

What a fun family this is, so enjoyed getting to know them and looking forward in hanging out more soon!

Some of the kids are sporting their new stocking caps donated through Appalachain Regional Ministries.  Great friends and partners in the Gospel.

We made some new friends tonight and the cool thing is we don't have to say goodbyes....

We are thankful for the partnership with the Camp Curtin YMCA. We have enjoyed working together to have this community family outreach party. We are also thankful for the Baptist Resource Center where we rented the block party trailer for the event. All in all the night was great, the Lord provided enough hands (could always use more) for the people that came. At times it is overwhelming when you have a warm, talkative crowd and you just wish you had more people around to love on them. However even in the midst of it God has a way of reminding me this is His gig. God has been so faithful in placing us in the middle of the culture here, we learn more everyday.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself Matthew 22:37-40

1 comment:

  1. Loved your pictures and your post! Praying for your family! Love, Sarah
