
Friday, June 21, 2013

ART Show ~Breanna

Breanna participated in an art show for the "School of the Arts" and I must admit it was a very proud moment to see her work displayed in the show.

This oil painting now hangs on our living room wall. 

Watercolor teapot...wish I had this fancy frame.

Charcoal lion

This is a dragon that she and her friends started last year during their free time at art club.  After much work and a few transformations, here is the finished product. It is difficult to see in the photo but the dragon is made up of individual scales.  Lots of time and effort went into this project.

The kids spent time looking at all of the art but they would always end up back in front of  Breanna's pieces.  They were so proud of her work. 

I enjoyed watching her talk about her paintings with teachers, students and other parents.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting to see how God is working through your family's gifts, talents and circumstances there! Love your blog. You're an inspiration to all of us back at Faith. Keeping you in my prayers.
