
Friday, September 17, 2010

A cup of sugar

I found myself not sad, or a little upset, but crying as I walked in my house with a cup of sugar that was needed to make tea.  Periodically it hits me that this is real, it is real that we are leaving so many special relationships.  My sweet neighbor who I have spent many hours with talking, crying, laughing and sharing life is where I had borrowed the cup of sugar.  The thought of leaving such meaningful relationships and dear friends had overwhelmed me at that moment. 

It is in those moments that the Lord gives me a deep appreciation for the people in my life that I may have taken for granted and not told them how important they are to me.  Our neighborhood is special, there are no huge houses, often times maintained weeds rather than grass, makeshift forts in the woods and bikes/toys that get left behind in yards. You will see a diverse population of kids playing at any number of our houses. Neighbors helping neighbors pull the garbage cans to the road, or perhaps even a traffic jam in our cul-de-sac because we stopped to talk.   It's not your cookie cutter neighborhood. It is special and unique a direct reflection of the people who live here that I have grown to love.

As my thoughts flooded in about how much I love the people that live here, I asked the Lord to teach me.  Olivia pulled at my leg asking me if I was going to bake the tea (I chuckled) thats when I noticed the individual grains of sugar in the measuring cup.

God knows........
God knows how many hairs are on your head (Matt 10:27, Luke 12:7)
God knows the number of stars in the sky and has named each one of them (Psalm 147:4)
God knows and loves my neighbors/friends much more than I ever could (Psalm 139:13,14)

Agape love,  perfect, unconditional love, unfailing love, that only comes from Him. I am overwhelmed by the privilege to be where I am now (today), in this community, this neighborhood, our church, our family.... TODAY. My prayer is God will show me daily how to love the people around me by being  REAL, transparent, compassionate, giving, available and vulnerable. Even though our time appears limited in this zip code it doesn't mean that we stop developing new friendships as well as deepening the ones that already exist.


  1. Michelle, you are GOOD at this blog thing. You really hit home for me. I, too, am having those same moments over here. Thanks for sharing your's. mucho love to you.

  2. Thx Michelle,Here I am crying again! What will I do when you're gone? Life is not fair!!!

  3. Love your heart and love the heart for Him. He gave so much for us, as Isaiah 53 is coming to mind, I am reminded that He always blesses us with more of Himself when we are willing to love sacrafically for Him. I love to see Him shine through you Saints of the Lord.

  4. I read your blog and I think its awesome what you guys are doing. Will you tell Billy that I'm proud of him, and I'm always praying for you guys. Shaun Lee

  5. Loved your writing! It made me cry:) Lisa Champion Caverly

  6. Great music to go with such great writing Kay Self

  7. what an honor to call YOU my friend. Lori Smith Williams

  8. Awwwh i'm going to miss all of you guys sooooooo much! You have to keep in touch and visit all the time.. we will come visit you too.
    Lacey Clark & Sarah Worp <3

  9. Michelle, It is an awesome thing to watch you go down this new chapter in your lives and be able to remember the small things. I have been away from everyone for a couple of months now ( and by the way, I miss you guys ALOT!!) and I praise God for you and this blog. It was exactly what I needed for today. Thanks for the pick up, smootches!!! Kristal

  10. Well done...very exciting to feel God working through you as you speak/write. I will miss you, my friend.
