
Sunday, September 12, 2010

"YES send US"

This year has had it's ups and downs as we found ourselves in the middle of a conversation about church planting. Life seems to be flying by from the moment we said "YES send us".

Riding through car pool the other day the Lord gave me a visual picture of a child on his first roller coaster. I found this video and thought it was a great visual for what the Lord showed me. Although the little boy has a wide range of emotions he allows himself to enjoy the ride and even after it is over say "I want to do it again" . As you watch the 2 minute video below think about....

".....I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances". Philp 4:11
& "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

You will notice the little boy in the video has a wide range of emotion as they climb the first hill on the roller coaster. Once the roller coaster is in full gear he grips his hands around the bar and holds his head straight only looking ahead. The bar in the roller coaster is my bible, I am gripping scripture close to me as I plunge through the process of church planting and keeping my focus on truth .

The child on the roller coaster had people cheering him on and encouraging him along. This continues to be critical in this process to have people affirm the call and to give encouragement during the ups and downs. I can throw my hands up and praise the Lord during the process despite my wide range of emotions. I am thankful for the peace that passes all understanding and thankful that despite changing circumstances God remains the same. Although my emotion is not fear, I can rest knowing that the Lord knows what is ahead.


  1. Thank you guys for being a open book for all of us to read! Thank you for your serve to God! Thank you for the impact your family has made on my life! Serve well and run hard toward the prize!! He will never let you down. Love you guys!! ~Lisa Caverly~

  2. Miss yall!!!!!!tell billy hi Kurt P Lewis

  3. great job!! praying for you guys Jenifer Green Jernigan

  4. As I read your blog, I'm reminded of words in Chris Tomlin's song: Our God, which, in part says: And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.
    And if our God is with us, then what could stand against.
    Michelle, I'm so excited to read... about you and Billy being church planters; there's a hurting and dark world just waiting for you guys to bring the light of Jesus to them. I love that you're being the hands and feet of Christ. We've been praying for your generation and thrilled to see how you move when Christ says move! Nancy Slosson Brubaker

  5. I am SO excite d to see what God does!!Lesa Close

  6. Well, I for one, am excited about this journey! Even more excited that we get to be on it with ya'll. Guess I'd better revert back to "yous guys" now :(
    It's a blessing to co-labor with the Morrison family.
    Love you much...Lisa, and the rest of the Shays

  7. Thanks everyone! Lisa I am excited as we head down this journey together. So thankful that we get to serve with “you guys” and the Lord brought our families together.

  8. Congrats on the decision to trust and follow Jesus! Anytime we are obediant to HIM, we know we will be blessed and He will take care of us! I wish you and your family well! Looking forward to reading more about your experiences!
    Tracey Cole
