
Friday, October 22, 2010

What a Privilege

Sunday, at our home church Billy, Breanna (our daughter) and I along with  Shawn & Lisa had the privilege of sharing our journey in this process of church planting. God's faithfulness to me even in the midst of public speaking is worthy of His praise!!  It was an honor to worship in 3 services with our church body and share our hearts with about 1,000 people by the end of the morning. It is difficult to put into words the depth of this experience and I could think of a million other things I could have shared but I rest in knowing God's plan is sovereign.  I am certain I can speak for our team: Billy, Shawn, Lisa and the kids that we are all being stretched, grown, and molded during this time for our ministry now and what is ahead on our journey.  I am so thankful for the church body that surrounded us to pray and will continue to do so, the power in prayer and the acknowledgment of God's continued faithfulness is completely overwhelming. My heart flip-flops when we attend church. I want to soak in the precious moments of worshiping, serving and learning together. As I sit now with tears flowing, I praise Him for the eternal impact that will be made through this process and in Harrisburg PA. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, girl. Love the journey we are on. God is so good and faithful and I know we'll continue to see evidence of those truths in the months to come.
