
Thursday, November 8, 2012

More than Candy

Getting ready for kiddos in the neighborhood.

 This year we stuffed little baggies to hand out to the trick-or-treaters. It is nice to have a little team working together to get everything knocked out. We stuffed 100 bags in an hour..not bad.

Last year we made coffee and had several people stick around and ask questions about why we moved to PA and we were writing our information on napkins so it was nice to have information about RGC in the baggies. They turned out great and it was nice to give the kids a bag full of treats.

Getting all set up..yep popcorn and all! I just love how my neighbor Beth rushed over as we had just started setting up tables for the evening and asked if she could bring her coffee pot over to sweet that traditions have been started.
You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.
Psalm 18:28

Here is a group shot of some of the kiddos before they peeled out running from one house to the next.  Brenda took all our kids around the neighborhood until they had sore feet, ankles and were thirsty.  We had great weather this year, yet again! We enjoyed talking with many neighbors that we have met over the past year and met some new ones during the evening. 

Here is my beautiful friend and neighbor Rasheeta.

We had a steady stream of trick-or-treaters throughout the night. It did seem a little less than last year and it could have been that the township schedules trick-or-treating the Thursday before Halloween so it was almost a week early. At the end of the night we had about 10 bags left over so we had about 90 kids come through during the evening.

Here the kids are spreading thier "loot" and trading. Sore feet, toes and tired little sugared up bodies!
It continues to amaze us how God allows us to invest in the lives of our neighbors and build relationships.  Some candy, popcorn and coffee have allowed our light to shine in a dark place just by reaching out and talking with someone about their day or complimenting their kids on their costumes.  We are thankful for these opportunities and humbled that God uses us for His glory to love on His people.  Its so much more than candy, its relationships.

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