
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Great Flood 2011 Harrisburg PA-Day 2

 Today we were able to get the basement somewhat dry and once the water is safe to use we will get things cleaned and throw away anything that got wet. We spent time talking to neighbors today in between helping one get several inches of water out of her basement. We had power so we had means of getting the water out of the house unlike the folks in the flooded areas. There is nothing  for them to do besides wait for the the water to recede. Here are a few pictures a couple blocks over from our house.

We talked with the owners to the right with the wooden fence for quiet sometime.  Putting faces to the people who have lost a lot and face the task of cleaning up in the days to come is hard to witness.

Once a nice manicured yard has turned into part of the Susquehanna river

Trash covers the standing water in the streets

Front street looks like its part of the river.

You can see tiny fish swimming in the water on the street

Once a great place to watch the water but now only a place to sit and be in the water.

This is front street along the Susquehanna River.
Street after street is covered

Here is the Governor's Mansion..they had a few inches of water in the basement but fared well with no major flooding.

You can only imagine what awaits many people when they look in their basements

The smell of gas fumes and trash was just horrible in some places. This is fuel oil mixed with water that has leaked out of tanks in people's basements and into the streets.

This was cool, Billy joined in a conversation as these two men where having a deep discussion about religion. They all talked for a bit and Billy and one of the guys exchanged contact information with one another. So they could get together and study the bible together.

This car is owned by an 87 year old man who was out delivering "Meals on Wheels" to shut-ins.  He was determined to get them all done but couldn't make it through the standing water.  He said he got them all delivered except two.
There is nothing to do but wait.....

Okay, sometimes you just see the most puzzling things so I took the opportunity to take a picture. We watched this gentleman teeter on this railing to have a friend take a picture of him sitting on the end of the railing dangling his feet over the rushing river. We all know what could have happened if he lost his grip but he didn't and he now has a picture to hang on his refrigerator.

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  1. Those pictures are amazing, I have never seen the water so high all the years we have traveled through. Glad you were not in a spot that flooded that badly. Take care and keep on keepin on!

  2. oh my goodness crazy! so sorry about your basement, sure wouldn't have seen anything like that in Wake Forest! Hope you guys are doing well, praying for you!
