
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

From the Vault and New Thoughts

I just noticed that I started this blog a year ago.  I looked at a few of the first post and I am blown away with how the Lord has been so faithful in this journey. This post in particular floods my thoughts with emotions.   You see on this side of the move, now in another zip code, many miles away,some relationships have changed and many relationships are deeper. New friends have been added and will continue to grow in depth because

God knows........
God knows how many hairs are on your head (Matt 10:27, Luke 12:7)
God knows the number of stars in the sky and has named each one of them (Psalm 147:4)
God knows and loves my neighbors/friends much more than I ever could (Psalm 139:13,14)

A few weeks ago my neighbor from Wake Forest who became a life long friend came to visit us in Harrisburg PA.  We gave a tour of our new town and shared stories about how the Lord is moving in here. We stayed up talking, sharing and catching up on stories until our eyes were fuzzy. Sure, it's hard not to skip across the street to borrow a cup of sugar  BUT we serve a big God who deeply loves our friends more than we ever could.  Agape love,  perfect, unconditional love, unfailing love, that only comes from Him. There are times that I  get a lump in my throat thinking about people we miss or not worshiping at Faith. However even in those moments God is faithful in reminding me of our purpose here on this side of heaven. I was reading in James this week about not just being forgetful hearers but effectual doers of His word. Not by works to earn salvation nor does it mean that we only ask Jesus to come into our hearts to get our ticket punched for heaven . Accepting Christ as your personal Savior  provokes a deep longing to know God more and to follow Him.  Giving up comfort for the sake of the gospel is daily, not just moving to PA.

There are days that we are beyond tired and fall out in the bed at night. At times our plan to rest doesn't happen quite the way that we thought it would. The Lord has graciously filled us up in ways only He can.  I can recall a day when I was worn out, I stayed home from football to hang out at the house. When Billy came home he found Maddy and I in the alley talking with some neighbors. As I started telling Billy of how the Lord crossed our paths with this particular neighbor at His perfect timing I forgot I was tired. I was filled up, excited and praising God for His plan. God continues to weave new people in our lives on a daily basis.  Relationships continue to deepen and we are blown away at how this plan is so much bigger than us and beyond thankful to be part of His work.

Settling into Harrisburg, PA  I will say my purpose and prayer is much the same as it was a year ago when I posted "a cup of sugar"as I wrote these words;
     "I am overwhelmed by the privilege to be where I am now (today), in this community, this neighborhood, a new church, our family. My prayer is God will show me daily how to love the people around me by being  real, transparent, compassionate, giving, available and vulnerable. Even though our time appears limited in this zip code it doesn't mean that we stop developing new friendships as well as deepening the ones that already exist.  We truly are only a vapor in this life, time here on earth goes by fast.(James 4:14) This is evident in how we reflect how quickly our kids grow or how the years seem to be moving at a faster pace. It certainly does matter what we do everyday for His kingdom. It does matter giving up daily comforts in order to share the good news of Jesus."

We have been encouraged by many of you praying on our behalf. God has been faithful to hear your prayers and we ask that you continue to do so, for that is where the work begins. Thank you for your cards, emails, texts, fb messages and visits. We know that it takes sacrifice and planing to pray and to keep in touch, YOU are part of the eternal work in Harrisburg PA.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-22


  1. Much love to you as always my sweet friend...I just love hearing about what God is doing through you and your family. You are an inspiration to me :)

  2. I am in tears, friend! What a joy to serve a great loving God! We are continuing to pray for your precious family and the work you are doing for His kingdom. Love you, the McNeill family

  3. thanks Michelle, now I have to go to carpool with tears in my eyes! Love you guys! lana clark

  4. You are all a testimony of what God can and will do if we surrender and follow Him in obedience.
    You are a treasure!
