
Friday, January 6, 2012

Road Trip Post 2 -North Carolina

What a wonderful trip we had to North Carolina. It was great timing for us to make a visit after living in PA nearly 6 months. We were able to reconnect with friends face, visit some of our favorite places and attend church at Faith on Sunday. I can't help but look at all the pictures and remember in each one how the Lord wove people in our lives over the years and we have so much to be thankful for with each of these families (and many more, I did get caught up visiting and didn't get pictures of everyone!)
I have been reading through the Old Testament and it has been quite powerful as I started to write in the margins every time I noticed God telling the Israelites to remember; to remember His words, remember His deeds, remember His faithfulness. How easy it is to forget the abundance of His steadfast love, His wonderful works when a present situation is difficult. When situations arise that are uncomfortable it can be tough to remember His steadfast love, His covering, His protection.  He is an all knowing, powerful, just, merciful, forgiving, Almighty God.  When we have days that are tiresome from endless pouring out or lack of spiritual food in this culture, God has quickly reminded me of His faithfulness in this journey. Before long I am being reminded of all the prayers that God has allowed us to see answered in just a few short months.

My mind can't comprehend how complex God is. I can't even express the depth of activity in our lives and the people that we are around. But, once I start to recognize how God has been so faithful in the past, I am evoked to praise Him for His faithfulness, thanking Him for all He has done. My heart begins to spill over with joy that is beyond my understanding. If we forget to recall, to remember, we forget our foundation, we forget our anchor that keeps us grounded in our Creator. I had no idea that this blog would minister to my own heart as I have found myself looking back at past posts to recall, remember and praise God for His abundant, steadfast, perfect love. So as you look at the pictures below, I challenge you to remember, praise God for His ways to faithfully weave people and circumstances in our lives for His perfect timing and glory.

Remember. Remember. Remember.  

Our first stop in Wake Forest was Los Tres. It was kind of funny that the staff greeted us and remembered very quickly that we haven't been there in a while. We had the opportunity to answer a few questions from the waiters about the work in PA. We had a fun time hanging out, catching up on life.

Remember... God orchestrating many meetings in this very restaurant over the years. If these walls could talk they would have a book to write!

Logan had fun with the Faulkners. A boys home for sure! Skinning deer, riding 4 wheelers, building fires and to top it off an ER visit (not Logan this time) all in less than 24 hours!

Remember....God has given us life long friends

We went to Faith to let the kids run around at the park after being in the car for so long. It was a nice surprise to see these ladies at church with their kids.

Remember....God sent couples, now our friends to start the Marriage Journey Sunday School Class.

The next stop was our old neighborhood.  We had not lived there since our house sold in May. Here, Maddy is peering into Gammy Sue's house waiting for her to get to the door to give her a big hug! Maddy caught Gammy up on her life in a hurry. Lots of stories, lots of recalling, lots of remembering!  I wish I would have gotten a picture with Maddy and Ms. Susan ( at the horse farm) Maddy helped at the barn one day and she thanked God in her prayers for several days that Ms. Susan's hair is growing back after her cancer treatment.

Remember....we didn't just move into a house. God planted us in a home in His perfect timing, then and now, for relationships
This was enough to melt your heart.

Remember.... friendships in His perfect timing, God's love endures forever

The guys catching up on sports

Remember..He provided neighbors whom became close friends.

Olivia enjoyed hugs, and lots of love from Lana. Olivia has a special bond with Lana that will last a lifetime I'm sure.

Remember..He provided more than friends, He provided a family.

The girls were so funny to quickly take off their shoes and socks (it was 70 degrees folks!) and hop in the sandbox

Remember...You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Many years ago, oh how fast they grew up
These girls have a bond that is tight from all the years of running across the street to one another's houses, playing in the rain and hanging out at neighborhood gatherings.

Remember...He provided lives woven together.

Just love this family, we have certainly gone through much together in all the years of living across the street.

Remember...He provided support and care in His perfect timing

Maddy spent time with some girls in the neighborhood. They had a great time hanging out and it was a blessing to have them at church on Sunday.

Remember...God is faithful

Logan said he had butterflies in his stomach as they turned into the neighborhood. He was so excited to see his friends.

Remember..How God gave others a craving to know Him more then and now.

Very cool to catch up with some folks in the 'hood. We've spent many hours standing in the Cul de Sac talking to friends.

Spent some time hanging with my friend Lana.

Remember...He provided a friend and a sister.

(some pictures I took with my phone) We spent some time with the Saleebys talking, laughing, crying and praying together.

Remember..He is faithful to hear our prayers and align our hearts for His purposes

Spent some time with Lisa and the family. It was nice to see the kiddos and catch up on how they are ministering to folks in their neighborhood.

Remember..God exposes the darkness and gives eternal hope 

The Meisneres had a few people over for New Years. It was nice to hang out and chat. My cup was overflowing.

Remember...He goes before us

Remember...He gives gifts, passion for His glory

Sunday worship at Faith!  It was great to be back and see so many people who are praying for and supporting us on this journey.

Maddy's sweet friend grabbed her Sunday morning to hop on stage. She had no idea that Maddy always wanted to be on the kids worship team....this was special.

Remember...God knows the desires of our heart

Two peas in a pod. They had a great time hanging out.

Remember...God provides fun and excitement!

Cora! Big hugs from this girl! We miss her even though Olivia is in full motion of whopping her in the back! (Its ok though, that's called a Cora hug) That is friendship for Olivia!

Remember...His love covers all, His love endures forever

The Meisneres were so gracious to open their home to us again. We stayed with them the night before we moved in and all.

Remember..God provides support in His perfect timing.

Yep, we all felt like this when we got in the car on Sunday! We had a great time and we were all eager to get back home to the work the Lord has called us to.

Remember....He will provide the time to rest

Thank you to so many who hugged our necks, squeezed our kids and pray for the work in PA.

"He has caused his wonders to be remembered" (Psalm 111:4);
"Remember the wonders he has done" (1 Chronicles 16:12).
"Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me." Isaiah 46:9
I thank my God every time I remember you. Philippians 1:3

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