
Monday, January 23, 2012


Logan woke all the kids up at 6am to let them know it snowed! So they had a long day of playing and making the most of their real first snow day in PA.

Lot's of scraping going on in the neighborhood! Lot's of neighbors out talking and helping one another clean driveways and side walks.

Maddy worked on her igloo for quiet a while

Midnight had a grand ole time playing in the snow with the kids.  She had no idea she was the target in the snowball fight.

The kids played outside most of the day. At one time Logan said he was too hot in all the clothes!

The streets didn't stay like this very long. They were scraped an cleaned very quickly. However a mile down the road in Harrisburg where the city is bankrupt we noticed streets have not been touched.

We headed over to Reservoir Park to go sledding. I must admit, my age showed by how cautious I was of the kiddos getting hurt.  My eyes see things in a much different perspective these days with all the possibilities of injuries.  There sure was a time that I would have been the first one to hop on a sled and try out a new hill.  This time I enjoyed taking the pictures, and loosened up just a bit watching all the falls, tumbles and flips on (and off) sleds. 

Logan had a tumble-free ride the first time...not so much the second time after he got a face full of snow.

Going well so far........

ends with a pretty harmless...and cute landing.

So Maddy goes again......

Ohh my she is upside down! (I am thinking at this point my kids are not going to like me putting on helmets next time..hehe)

Maddy & Joseph having fun for sure!

JB cracked me up, every time I think about this landing it makes me chuckle. As soon as he bounced out of his sled he started laughing.  He had a difficult time getting up, not from being hurt but laughing so hard. I am laughing as I type this....I wish it was on video.

  The boys would notice Olivia working hard to pull her sled and they would lend a hand to help her back up to the top. 

Lots of sledding and lots of climbing back to the top.

Shawn and JB started at the top of the big hill. JB made it half way and Shawn made it down the second hill....He came back a little wet but all in one piece!

So Billy and Logan started at the very top on this sled and here is what was left by the time they hit the bottom.  Notice Logan didn't make it all the way either.

Good job Logan??? What??.... for not continuing like you have across the street to get hit by a car? Gesh!  

Ice in the Susquehanna River


  1. OH friend! Love your blog changes, and love the snow pictures! Wish we were there! Love, Sarah

    1. Thank you so much Sarah! It's nice to have some updated pictures. Took me a while to figure out how to change the banner. Wish you were here as well!

  2. I like the blog changes too! Thanks for sharing the pictures and story! I love it. I wish it was snowing here. Have a blessed day!

    1. hanks Lisa! I needed to update it since the kids have all changed so much. Hopefully it will not take me that long to make changes this time since I know how to change the banner now. It seems like you guys are having spring time weather in NC! It's not been bad here as well; most people are very surprised at how warm it has been so far this season. We sure did have fun in the snow and we all are ready for the next snow.
