
Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer Days- let me not miss a second of it

Our very first Summer Break AND we are loving it! We are adjusting to the extended time off very well after having the kids in year round schools in NC. We liked year round and we also like having a long Summer Break. I have had many memories rekindled from childhood with having the kids home for the summer. I enjoy our late nights gathered around the front porch talking with neighbors, movie nights as a family, eating late dinners, kids rotating from one house to another creating and playing, going to the pool, parks and day trips to new places. The house has been quiet until 9:30 and sometimes as late as 10:00am with kids sleeping in, we are enjoying this time and it just seems to be flying by so fast.

Lemonade stand!

Hot DOG day's of summer!  Hanging out playing the yard with midnight.

friends and neighbors helping one another

.....or watching logan learn how to mow the grass.

friends over coloring hair...yipers I was one scared mama!

many nights of s'mores for who ever drops by.....

The kids  went fishing with the Dad's on Father's Day

 This little barbie pole catches a fish every time!  All 3 girls have used it and all of them have caught fish every time.
From wiffle ball, bike riding, Nerf guns, sprinklers and games of tag to basketball and beyond the kids are staying very active this summer.  

 Gotta stay cool in this heat!

Breanna learned how to change the oil and brakes on the that girl!  I have many pictures of working on the car with my dad as a kid.

Breanna has biked a lot this summer. One of the perks of living in the city and having a great place to ride your bike along the river. The girls headed out for lunch, went to the Capitol, watched Senate hearings and hung out at the Jazz festival for the day.  

ohh I don't want to miss even a second, memories in the making it seems every day. Thank you God for my family and friends. I am truly a blessed woman.

Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy! Psalms:47:1


  1. Looks like summer has been packed with fun things!! Glad you're enjoying having a full summer off :))

    1. Yes the days have been so fun and loving every bit of it....a relaxing vacation would be nice to throw in but there will be a season for that sometime..for sure :) Hope you are enjoying your summer and staying's been a hot one!
