
Monday, April 23, 2012

Opening Baseball Day- Let's play ball!

Opening Day for baseball in Susquehanna Township is no joke! It was great to see all the teams that are involved in the league out on the field together. It was also neat to look around and have crossed paths with many families in other sports and activities in the community.

Here is coach Bucky, He is throwing the opening pitch for the season. Can you believe he lives right next to the park and has lived in the same house for 80 years? He has been coaching baseball for 56 years. That's impressive!

 STBA organizes team photos on opening day (great idea!) Here are a few I took....

 We couldn't have picked a better team to play our opening game day! We played against the red team...we are not talking about who won..right? The boys all played well & we are looking forward to a great season. 18 games on the schedule! Lots of baseball over the next couple months!

For the first game we had a nice little cheering section, I got caught up cheering and missed our full crowd that came! Fun times for sure.

Olivia enjoyed her time playing in the dirt, totally missed the game but she did have fun.

 The boys just cracked themselves up as they bumped into one another on the bases. It was cute, until I heard one of the coaches yell, "focus boyz!!" hehe

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